Helping you set goals, stay on track, and keep you accountable for business and life success
You know what you want and need to do, but you just can't stay on track
You get distracted with other projects, and never get anything finished
You see everyone else moving on in their business, and you always feel stuck
You work better knowing you've got people working along side you
You need support and cheerleading to keep going
You lack motivation on your own, and crave the input of other likeminded business owners
You need a system to work with, and someone to guide you through the process
You approach each quarter of the year with optimism, but quickly lose track
You want to make and see real progress in your business, and to celebrate the milestones
You need help in breaking down tasks to a manageable level
You need help with scheduling tasks and maintaining a realistic work/life balance
You need a community/group that's always listening
You need support in running your home effectively as well as your business
You don't actually like asking for help and crave independence - but you also need the help!
Setting goals is one thing. Sticking to them is another. By breaking them down and using the 13 weeks within each quarter of the year, you can optimise your planning and time to keep on track, and see your progress as the weeks go by.
With 5-6 live hotseat calls over each 13 week period, you can talk about what's going well, what you're stuck with, and get some help on moving forward. With check ins on calls and prompts in the Facebook group, you'll have reminders everywhere to keep going.
Sometimes we need a body double to get the work done. With online co-working session on Zoom (at least 10 over every 13 weeks), you tune in, set your intention, then mic off and get your work done. Think of it as an online office environment.
Working from home can be tough. There's no distinct boundaries between home and work. Time management isn't always so straightforward. We end up working around our domestic commitments and often our business tasks get pushed to one side. I've been there, done it and worn the t-shirt. It's so easy to procrastinate, have an off day that turns into a week, or get knocked off track with the usual curveballs of having a kid off school sick, or yourself. There's no sick pay in place and we often muddle through, which can make things worse.
What if you were able to give yourself permission to take a break when you need to? To put proper work boundaries into place, and to make sure you are getting tasks ticked off that take you one step further to your goal.
It's so much easier when you are working with others, and have proper accountability and cheer leading thrown into the mix.
A monthly subscription membership that you'll get the best out of by working over the 13 weeks of each quarter as a timeframe in their own right. We'll be working from weeks 1-13 in order for each quarter of the year. Whichever week we are at in the year, jump in, get acquainted with the community and how we work, and get ready to make some headway to fulfilling your goals
Calls held during the day for week 1 (start point & goal setting), week 4 (1/4 way), week 7 (halfway), week 10 (3/4 way), and week 12 (review), week 13 is for a creative session
Monday (intention setting), Tuesday (self care discussions), Wednesday (midweek check in), Thursday (plan for the weekend), Friday (finish line)
2 hour sessions to tune in and be intentional about getting specific tasks done. Some flexibility will be required on weeks due to holidays
These will either be delivered live or pre-recorded, and will be stored in the training bank on the membership site. These will vary according to what's required
It's not just for business! There'll be weekly focus tasks with a combination of home and business to increase efficiency and productivity
If I can create it, you can have it. Whether it's a PDF printout or an Excel worksheet. If I think it's going to be useful for you, I'll get it done and shared
© Copyright 2022 Nic Davies Ltd t/a Platespinning Academy